Every now and then, we at Sweetpea & Willow, like to introduce you to the people in our industry who we absolutely adore. These are the bloggers, designers, and generally like-minded individuals who influence the world of interior design by consistently posting beautiful imagery and useful tips.
We recently held a competition on our Instagram with the fabulous people at Rock My Style who continuously provide us and tens of thousands of others with buckets of inspiration. Lauren Coleman is the editor of the lifestyle site which is the proud little sister to Rock My Wedding, one of the UK’s largest wedding resources. Rock My Style is a daily escape to the world of interior design, fashion and beauty. Lauren lives in Northamptonshire with her husband and is half way through a huge redecoration project.

Photographed by Anna Clarke
To get an insight into Lauren’s process, we decided to put her in the hot seat with a quick fire Q+A session. Plus we’re featuring some gorgeous rooms from Lauren’s own home. Enjoy!
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The first thing I do when I wake up is… I’m ashamed to say I check my phone.
On my bedside table, you would find… A huge collection of skincare I’m currently trialling, a myriad of jewellery, the sweetest chalk pink lamp and a photo of our wedding day.
An invaluable piece of information that I’ve received and passed on is… Don’t fear failure. Fear being in exactly the same position next year as you are today.
Updating a Large Kitchen on a Small Budget – Photographed by Adam Crohill
The two most important things I can’t leave home without are… A bold lipstick and my phone.
Right now, my handbag contains… The usual – purse, phone and keys as well as dry shampoo, new sunglasses (which I’m waiting to be able to wear), at least six lipsticks, a beautiful Smythson notebook and far too many receipts which makes me feel slightly guilty about my recent spending habits.
Right now, I’m listening to… The birds. My garden is filled with them and they can be quite vocal!
Living Room Reveal – Photographed by Adam Crohill
In one short sentence, I would describe my home as… Loved and lived in.
The best bargain I’ve ever purchased is… I’m fairly thrifty so thankfully I’ve picked up lots of gems along the way. My most favourite is the tray I use as a bar in my dining room which I found in Brighton for a fiver.
My top 3 dinner guests would be… I would have loved to have met the late Tori Hendrix. She was a creative genius and has left an incredible legacy within the wedding and creative industry. Along with Michelle Obama and Dolly Parton I think we’d have a terrific dinner party.
The thing I love most about my job is… The diversity. Everyday is totally different.
A Cosy Snug – Photographed by Anna Clarke
My dream destination to visit would be… South Africa. I honeymooned there and it stole my heart.
The one thing I can’t live without is… My family.
On my to-do list today is… Far too many things to do in one day.
My favourite way to wind-down is… With a glass of wine and a good gossip.
Bedroom Reveal – Photographed by Little Beanies
Tonight I will probably be dreaming about… Something obscure.
My dream piece from Sweetpea and Willow would be… The Lene Bjerre Clara Couch. I adore the rattan frame and would love to add it to my next project in my house.
Finish this sentence. Sweetpea & Willow are… Bad for my bank balance! I’d like one of everything, please.
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Thanks so much to Lauren for her excellent answers!
Make sure to check out Rock My Style for your daily dose of interior, fashion and lifestyle inspiration.