Every now and then, we at Sweetpea & Willow, like to introduce you to the people in our industry who we absolutely adore. These are the interior bloggers, designers, and generally like-minded individuals who influence the world of design by consistently posting beautiful imagery and useful tips.

This time we’re speaking to a multi-talented freelance journalist and blogger who’s responsible for the fabulous, Amara Blog Award-nominated, Yes Please, Lotte Brouwer! Lotte’s style is always effortlessly chic, with an emphasis on light and bright interiors which blend contemporary and classic styles beautifully.
We put our questions to Lotte, who gave some brilliant answers. Enjoy!
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The first thing I do when I wake up is…
Play with my dog – she wakes me up every morning by jumping on me and bringing all her toys into the bed until the whole bed is covered. It’s impossible to wake up in a bad mood!
On my bedside table, you would find…
A night light. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m still terrified of the dark. I also always keep my phone next to me – it’s the last thing I look at before I go to bed, and I like loading my emails and social media first thing in the morning.
An invaluable piece of information that I’ve received and passed on is…
A few! In times of trouble, stress or heartbreak I’ve been reminded “this too shall pass”, which has been comforting and true. I’ve also frequently been told ‘When you do what you love, money will follow’ which has also been true, as is ‘Those that matter don’t mind, those that mind don’t matter’ (when it comes to career and personal life choices). Lastly, one of my favourite quotes is “You can never be overdressed or overeducated” by Oscar Wilde.

The two most important things I can’t leave home without are…
My purse and my dog. With money, you can do anything, and I’m pretty inseparable from my dog – she comes everywhere with me.
Right now, my handbag contains…
I’m currently sailing on the Aegean, so my handbag is pretty bare! Just some sunscreen, bug spray and euros.
Right now, I’m listening to…
Fleetwood Mac

In one short sentence, I would describe my home as…
Light, colourful and homely
The best bargain I’ve ever purchased is…
I recently picked up some mannequin legs from the Putney Bridge market which I used to make a fun vase table!
My top 3 dinner guests would be…
Kristen Wiig, Prince Phillip and Alexander Skarsgard.

The thing I love most about my job is…
As a freelance journalist, blogger and interiors consultant I’m able to work from anywhere in the world! I’ve just upped sticks and moved to Amsterdam, because why not?
My dream destination to visit would be…
I’ve just returned from Gili Lankanfushi in The Maldives which was heaven on Earth and I would love to go back! But high on my list is Australia, as I’ve never been.
The one thing I can’t live without is…
My dog.

On my to-do list, today is…
Things that should have been done a week ago – I’m always trying to catch up!
My favourite way to wind-down is…
Wine, wine, wine.
Tonight I will probably be dreaming about…
My new flat. I’ve just unpacked in Amsterdam and am already brainstorming how to decorate it!

My dream piece from Sweetpea & Willow would be….
The Trapezium chair! I love the scalloped shape.
Finish this sentence. Sweetpea & Willow are…
A treasure trove.
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Thank you so much to Lotte Brouwer for her incredible answers. It’s always great to get an insight into what influences and inspires our favourite trend setters.
For heaps of interior inspiration. check out Yes Please.