Every now and then, we at Sweetpea & Willow, like to introduce you to the people in our industry who we absolutely adore. These are the interior design bloggers, designers, and generally like-minded individuals who influence the world of design by consistently posting beautiful imagery and useful tips.

For our first Q + A of 2018, we’ve put the fabulous creator of the amazing Apartment Number 4, Victoria Jackson in the hot seat. Victoria’s seemingly effortless style expertly blends classic Art Deco glamour, Parisian chicness and contemporary trends to create consistently beautiful looks.
Since it’s launch in 2009, Apartment Number 4 has provided helpful tips and tricks for how to create a stunning home on a budget, through content which is always a joy to read.
We were so excited to hear what answers Victoria would come up with, and it’s safe to say we were not disappointed!
The first thing I do when I wake up is…
I’m currently taking part in The Morning Miracle 30 Day Challenge, which is designed to set you up in the best possible way to start the day. I wake and meditate for five minutes, then I do a 10-minute guided visualisation, then it’s five minutes of affirmations, five minutes of writing my to-do list and goals for the day, five minutes listening to an Audible book and finally five minutes stretching or yoga. It takes some getting used to but I’m really enjoying the process, albeit feeling slightly more tired than usual.
On my bedside table, you would find…
Lavender pillow spray, my phone – even though I wish this wasn’t the case – and a candle. At the moment I’m burning a Cuban tobacco and oak-scented one and it’s beautiful.
An invaluable piece of information that I’ve received and passed on is…
Stop sweating the small stuff. It’s an obvious piece of advice but hard to follow when you’re caught up in your own mind. But since I stopped worrying about things completely out of my control, life became a lot less stressful. As my Dad always says, what will be, will be.

The two most important things I can’t leave home without are…
My phone, but more for taking photographs than needing to get in touch with people. I’m always looking for styling ideas when I’m out and about so it’s a great way to document those. I’d have to say my keys as well, although I have been known in the past to forget those.
Right now, my handbag contains…
Gosh, my handbag contains my life. From notebooks to spare chargers, to makeup, to business cards, a piece of fruit and mints. If you need something in life, there’s a strong chance I’ll be able to put it out of my trusty tote.
Right now, I’m listening to…
I’m listening to a book on Audible called ‘You Do You’ by Sarah Knight, which is great. I made my way through 18 books last year via Audible and it’s a great way to utilise my hour-long commute to work and back again four days a week. Next on my hitlist is a book called Big Magic which I’ve heard great things about.

In one short sentence, I would describe my home as…
The comfiest, warmest, most welcoming place I’ve ever lived.
The best bargain I’ve ever purchased is…
I’m such a bargain hunter. I’d say my dressing table which I found on Gumtree for £15 brand new. The only issue is, I had to drive with the boot open all the way back home after picking it up as I completely misjudged the length. I’m also partial to picking up mismatched blue and white crockery from auctions and charity shops, and I think my whole collection cost no more than £20 combined.
My top 3 dinner guests would be…
Kelly Hoppen so I could grill her with interior styling questions, Oprah Winfrey so we could discuss all things Law of Attraction and Idris Elba so we could, you know…go for dessert together afterwards.

The thing I love most about my job is…
Blogging allows me to be creative on an almost-daily basis. I’m constantly learning, from teaching myself how to use new camera equipment to editing suites, the latest social media craze or how to grow my business. It also allows me to be part of an amazingly supportive community of fellow interior design bloggers.
My dream destination to visit would be…
The dream has always been to visit San Francisco so at the beginning of this year I decided to stop waiting around and book a solo trip for a week in March. I’m excited to photograph so many of the gorgeous houses, visit The Golden Gate bridge and spend some time exploring the streets so often seen on TV.
The one thing I can’t live without is…
I don’t want to be a cliché and say my phone (even though it does basically hold my life) so instead, I’m going to say I couldn’t live without my positivity. As I reached my thirties and became a lot more self-assured I also, in turn, became more positive and aimed to block negative thoughts entering my headspace. Waking up with a positive, can-do attitude can turn your whole day around.

On my to-do list, today is…
To answer all my emails, plan out my weekly content for the blog and finish a post I started late last night in bed – the time my mind seems to go into ideas overdrive.
My favourite way to wind-down is…
My guilty pleasure is watching re-runs of The Bachelor.
Tonight I will probably be dreaming about…
Idris Elba.

My dream piece from Sweetpea & Willow would be….
Without doubt, the Hepburn Armchair. I can’t move for armchairs in my apartment but I’d always find a space for this stunning Art Déco inspired design.
Finish this sentence. Sweetpea & Willow are…
Easily one of my favourite stores to not only shop, but become inspired for the new season. You just have to look at that product styling.
Thank you so much to Victoria Jackson for her fabulous answers. It’s always a joy to get an insight into the process of our favourite bloggers.
For more interior inspiration, visit Apartment Number 4.