Mother’s Day is all about celebrating the special ladies in our lives and thanking them for those mundane daily tasks that often go unthanked.
So we’ve asked three superhero mum influencers some fun light-hearted questions all about motherhood, juggling work and even asking their kids opinions too, so be prepared for a little chuckle or two!!
Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at Sweetpea & Willow!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, including how many children you have.
After working in TV (HR) for 16 years I decided I needed a change, so I left my job and started an Instagram account and a blog documenting my daily outfits. Fashion and beauty have always been a passion and I wanted to find something that would keep me busy while the children were at school. I was lucky, the blog took off, and my Instagram account grew and it’s now my full-time job. I have three children who are 6, 11 and 13, so life is very busy, but I am able to fit it in around the children’s pickups and busy schedules.
2. Describe a day in your life in ONLY 5 words
Rush, Late, Clothes, Instagram, Mum
3. How do you find the work/life balance being an influencer, as well as a mum?
I am permanently working towards achieving that ‘balance’ and I do find it challenging at times. There are no real set working hours and when you’re sharing your life on social media it can often mean that you are working seven days a week. I have recently started trying to switch off a bit more at the weekends and I am not posting as frequently so that I can be a little more present at home.
4. How have you/do you celebrate Mother’s day in your home? (Traditions etc)
It’s usually a cup of tea in bed with a handmade card from Charlie, my youngest. My middle daughter is a spoiler so she usually buys me a gift with her pocket money and if my mum is in the UK (she lives half of the year in South Africa where I grew up) then we will take her out for lunch.
5. If you could give your younger self (pre-children) one piece of advice, what would it be?
Don’t worry too much about what other people think.
6. A fun little experiment for you. Turn to your child/children (if they are of speaking age), ask them what they love most about you and write their response/s.
“Charlie, what do you love most about Mummy?”
Charlie: “That you went on the school trip with me. I love that you hug me. That you pick me up from school every day”
8. Picture this. It’s Mother’s day and your gift is ONE item from the Sweetpea & Willow website (no budget) what item do you choose?
I would choose the Eichholtz Argento Chandelier – it would transform any room.


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, including how many children you have.
I’m a stylist and photographer and I’m from Cork in Ireland. I live in Surrey with my partner Daniel, who I met in Australia when I was backpacking 7 years ago. We’re now parents of three children and we’re first time buyers! I post glimpses of my life on Instagram where I focus mainly on fashion, beauty and interiors.
2. Describe a day in your life in ONLY 5 words
Depends if it’s a day of work or day with the kids! If it’s a work day, it’s: Yawning, dress up, train, art, communication, snuggles.
If it’s a home/school run day, it’s: Exhaustion, coffee, housework, errands, snuggling.
3. How do you find the work/life balance being an influencer, as well as a mum?
I’ve have been doing this for 5 years now and it’s only recently I have learned to strike a balance. I came to realise that It was imperative to separate myself from my phone sometimes. I regularly leave it at home if I’m on the school run or if I go out for the day with the kids. When I’m with the kids, I want to 100% be with them. It seems like I do online, but I actually don’t document much family life at all. It’s really important to me to separate that. I spend a lot of the time doing admin/editing photos/doing proposals for contracts (I may never even win!) and mood boards.
4. How have you/do you celebrate Mother’s day in your home? (Traditions etc)
My eldest is 5 this year, so she understands Mother’s Day now! I don’t know what they have in store, but I hope it involves a lie in and pancakes! Hint hint!
5. If you could give your younger self (pre-children) one piece of advice, what would it be?
You’re going through all of this for a reason.
6. A fun little experiment for you. Turn to your child/children (if they are of speaking age), ask them what they love most about you and write their response/s.
“Because you’re a nice Mommy!”
8. Picture this. It’s Mother’s day and your gift is ONE item from the Sweetpea & Willow website (no budget) what item do you choose?
Absolutely love the pink Hedria Vase. It’s so versatile and can be put in any room in the house, whatever your style!


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, including how many children you have.
My name is Ashley and I live in South West London with my two little girls, Vivienne 4 and Margot 2, and my amazing husband Richard. I run aMothersEdit which is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog and Instagram.
2. Describe a day in your life in ONLY 5 words
No day ever the same.
3. How do you find the work/life balance being an influencer, as well as a mum?
I feel incredibly lucky to have a job that allows me to be so flexible but I do have to very careful it doesn’t encroach into family time. My eldest is at school now but when I decided to get childcare for my youngest a few days a week it made things a lot clearer. I could focus on working when needed and the days with the girls are just that.
4. How have you/do you celebrate Mother’s day in your home? (Traditions etc)
It usually involves breakfast in bed – but never alone, there are always little people squished in next to me stealing bites. Then I might get treated to a shower (in peace) before we head out for lunch as a family. We will usually pop in and see ‘nana’ too to make sure my mum gets some love.
5. If you could give your younger self (pre-children) one piece of advice, what would it be?
You don’t know the meaning of tired! No, but in all seriousness – I would say enjoy your energy, your freedom and your independence as much as you can; as once you have children you never want to be too far from them… they’re your everything.
6. A fun little experiment for you. Turn to your child/children (if they are of speaking age), ask them what they love most about you and write their response/s.
Vivienne: Your cuddles and your spaghetti
Margot: ‘Mummy’ – not sure she quite grasps it yet sorry
8. Picture this. It’s Mother’s day and your gift is ONE item from the Sweetpea & Willow website (no budget) what item do you choose?
Definitely the ostrich feather floor lamp!

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We are dedicating this blog to all Mothers. Grandmothers, women who are just like Mother’s, Mother’s to be and Mother’s who are no longer with us.